Our Mission

"The mission of the Epilepsy Foundation is to stop seizures and SUDEP, find a cure and overcome the challenges created by epilepsys through efforts including education, advocacy and research to accelerate ideas into therapies."
Dare to Learn about SUDEP

What is SUDEP?

SUDEP is the sudden, unexpected death of someone with epilepsy, who was otherwise healthy. No other cause of death is found when an autopsy is done. Each year, more than 1 out of 1,000 people with epilepsy die from SUDEP. If seizures are uncontrolled the risk of SUDEP increases to more than 1 out of 150. These sudden deaths are rare in children, but are the leading cause of death in young adults with uncontrolled seizures. 

What happens?

The person with epilepsy is often found dead in bed and doesn't appear to have had a convulsive seizure. About a third of them do show evidence of a seizure close to the time of death. They are often found lying face down. No one is sure about the cause of death in SUDEP. Some researchers think that a seizure causes an irregular heart rhythm. More recent studies have suggested that the person may suffocate from impaired breathing, fluid in the lungs, and being face down on the bedding.

Can SUDEP be prevented?

Until further answers are available, the best way to prevent SUDEP is to lower your risk by controlling seizures.  Paying attention to managing your seizure medications as best as possible, taking them regularly, and preventing seizures emergencies is all part of this.

Where can I get more information on SUDEP?

How can I prevent SUDEP?

The best way to prevent SUDEP is to have as few seizures as possible. Learn how to get the best care and decreaseUDEP

What can I do if I have lost a loved one to SUDEP?

Please, read our page on support for bereaved families. You will be able to learn about the programs and services available for families who have lost a loved one to SUDEP. In the meantime, please email sudep@efa.org or call 1-800-332-1000, and press option 1 to speak with an Information Specialist.

What is the Epilepsy Foundation doing to prevent SUDEP?

To make sure that SUDEP gets the public awareness and research attention it deserves, the Epilepsy Foundation has launched the SUDEP Institute Learn more about the SUDEP Institute.









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